Thread history

From Talk:Female Wrestling Zone
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Time User Activity Comment
14:06, 8 August 2024 Jq000004 (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Notable Wrestlers)
11:10, 8 August 2024 Spent4321 (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Notable Wrestlers)
17:20, 20 July 2024 Girlfightfan (talk | contribs) New thread created  

Notable Wrestlers

I've got three questions regarding this page:

1. Is "Cristie Ricci" meant to be Christie Ricci?

2. Is "Goldie" meant to be Goldie Blair?

3. Is "Kathy" meant to be Kathy Gifford?

Girlfightfan (talk)17:20, 20 July 2024

I didn't make this update but those three full names sound accurate

Spent4321 (talk)11:10, 8 August 2024

I think Christie and Goldie are definitely who you say they are, Kathy probably so. Bear in mind this entry was inserted early 2016 so we're talking about wrestlers who were in action around 10 years ago.

Jq00000414:06, 8 August 2024